Sunday, October 17, 2010

Be Bold, Be Bald!

Next Friday, October 22, I will be participating in the 2nd annual Be Bold Be Bald event, sponsored by the Small Army For a Cause. This isn't a typical fundraiser venture like a marathon or 5K, instead of endurance this is more focused on vanity. What does that mean? Well, I'll tell y'all. It means that on October 22, I will be wearing a Bald Cap honoring all of the courageous Cancer patients and survivors that lost their hair during their fight. I figure they have to live with it on a daily basis, so I can do it for a day!
I have decided to wear my Bald Cap in support of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation "Moving Breast Cancer Beyond a Cure", improves the quality of life for women suffering from breast cancer, through advocacy, education and research. . The other Beneficiaries include: 1)The Jimmy Fund, supports the fight against cancer for children and adults at Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 2)The Lance Armstrong Foundation, identifies the issues that cancer survivors must face and finds a way to improve the quality of life for those in the global cancer community, 3)The Prostate Cancer Foundation, helps discover better treatments and potential cures for prostate cancer as the global leader in prostate cancer research, 4)The International Myeloma Foundation, works to improve the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure.
I have family and close friends that have battled Breast Cancer and Won, but wouldn't it be great if there were a cure?!! That's why I'm doing this, my fundraising goal is $500, however I have only received $50 in donations. I realize the economy isn't great, but if everyone donated $5 my very modest goal would be reached. I have emailed, snail-mailed, Facebooked, and Tweeted, still a very underwhelming results. That's okay, I'm doing it anyway, but please just go to my Be Bold Be Bald site and check it out, you can even make a tax deductible donation on a secure site!!
Every little bit counts...and I will be posting pictures to everyone that helps out!!!

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